How To Make Axolotl Farm
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Reason: Axolotls can only naturally spawn in lush caves in 1.18, likewise glow squids have a carve up mob cap
Axolotl farming is a manner to collect axolotls as well equally glow ink sacs from glow squid. Two bones methods of farming axolotl are available: breeding and natural generation.
- Breeding axolotls is the only way to gain the rare blueish diverseness of axolotl.
- A natural generation farm causes axolotls to spawn, and the spawn weather condition are too correct for glow squid.
Convenance [ ]
Breeding developed axolotls requires buckets of tropical fish. This a fourth dimension-consuming manual effort. Feed ii axolotls to put them into beloved mode, later which a baby axolotl spawns. The parents have a "cooldown" period of 5 minutes in Java Edition or 1 minute in Bedrock Edition before they can be bred once again. The baby axolotl has a 1⁄1200 chance to be blue, otherwise it inherits the color of ane parent. A babe becomes an adult in 20 minutes (or sooner if you feed information technology), afterwards which it can breed.
In one case yous have a blueish axolotl, you lot can brood it to gain more blueish ones, because each new baby has a l% take a chance of inheriting the color of one parent.
Considerations [ ]
The issues with convenance are time and resources. Considering yous need to breed axolotls many times earlier getting a blue one, you need many tropical fish. Consequently yous need many buckets, which in turn require many iron ingots to craft, or many emeralds to buy buckets from fisherman villagers. Some avant-garde items to make things easier are:
- A chest full of shulker boxes helps proceed your inventory of buckets manageable.
- A conduit allows you to exhale and see improve underwater for the purpose of hunting tropical fish and breeding axolotls.
- Without a conduit, a helmet enchanted with Respiration is a must when hunting for ii axolotls to commencement breeding. You can obtain these via zombie farming in Difficult difficulty, or you can use an anvil to combine a helmet with an enchanted volume obtained via fishing or trading.
Location and convenance pen [ ]
In one case you have the materials you need, discover a warm ocean and create a large holding pen for your axolotls. You can practise this on land next to the warm ocean, or simply cordon off a section of the ocean, or carve an inlet into a embankment. Build the pen so that the walls are at to the lowest degree one block higher than the h2o level, to prevent the axolotls from escaping. You tin can put a ladder in the pen to permit yous to make it and out.
The breeding pen doesn't have to be deep. One layer of h2o is sufficient for axolotls to breed. A shallow breeding pen allows you to feed the axolotls without having to swim.
In Java Edition, drowned don't spawn in shallow water, although they tin in Bedrock Edition. Either way, light up the border around the pen to prevent hostile mobs from spawning in it.
Breeding stock [ ]
You demand to detect two axolotls to showtime convenance. Axolotls spawn in water lush caves, where in that location is dirt on the bottom. When you see an axolotl, use a h2o bucket on it to capture it. The bucket must not be empty when you do this; it must contain h2o.
If you hold a bucket of tropical fish in your hand while hunting, an axolotl that you didn't run across may start following you lot.
Food supply and breeding [ ]
Hunt for tropical fish, using as many water buckets as you lot can bear. In Java Edition, when you feed your axolotls to brood them, it is a good idea to hold one bucket of tropical fish in your off-hand to maintain the axolotls' attention. If not, as soon every bit you feed i, you are holding an empty saucepan, causing the axolotls to lose interest and swim away until yous switch to another bucket of fish. You cannot hold a bucket in your off-hand in Boulder Edition.
With luck, you might get a blue axolotl before you have bred 1,200 non-blue ones.
Natural generation farm [ ]
For axolotls to spawn, they crave a water infinite in a lush cave in total darkness, with clay blocks inside five blocks below the spawning space. These weather tin also exist achieved in an role player-built underground lush cave room filled with four or 5 layers of water. Additionally, Bedrock Edition requires the ceiling of the room to consist of opaque blocks.
If the spawning room is below level Y=30, the conditions that crusade axolotls to spawn also cause glow squid to spawn. Considering axolotls kill squid, y'all can arrange the subcontract and so that the glow ink sacs dropped by the squid are swept into a collection chest. Or if y'all don't intendance about glow ink sacs, you can brand the farm fifty-fifty simpler by ignoring them; the ink sacs disappear after v minutes.
The case subcontract described below is piece of cake and quick to build in survival mode with mutual materials and stone tools. In fact, if y'all are interested in breeding a blue axolotl, it may be easier (and safer!) to build a simple farm to get your breeding stock, rather than hunting for axolotl in the wild.
Location [ ]
Pick a location on in a lush caves biome. Information technology doesn't take to exist in an actual lush cave, just in the biome. Yous tin can repurpose a lush cave to a spawning room besides.
The ceiling of your farm must exist below layer 63 (sea level), as deep as y'all want, although prior to Boulder Edition one.18 the floor of the farm should not exist below layer 0. The distance betwixt the floor and ceiling should be at least 5 blocks (vi blocks is best, to give you lot breathing room).
Example farm [ ]
The diagram below illustrates the concept. The spawning room surface area is 8×8, and 6 blocks high. The 8×8 dimensions were chosen considering it requires just one hopper, merely different room sizes and shapes are possible with a carefully planned arrangement of flowing water and hoppers. The hopper is needed just to collect glow ink sacs. If you lot don't intendance, then don't bother with the hopper.
The floor of the room should be clay because axolotls spawn just when clay is underneath the spawning space.
Water source blocks occupy the bottom four layers of the room. The fifth layer has a row of water source blocks on i side, and 1 more reverse the hopper, to create a water menses that pushes items toward the hopper. It tin exist tiresome to get this pinnacle layer of water flowing properly, considering water on tiptop of h2o does not spread similar water on a solid surface. Place easily-breakable blocks similar slime blocks or dirt nether the end of the flow to force it to spread, then break the cake and repeat until the water is fully spread out. It helps to have a Respiration effect active while doing this.
The hopper should be two blocks beneath the flowing h2o (i block below the elevation-most water source block). Placing the hopper just beneath the flowing water layer (which would be normal for h2o flowing on peak of a solid surface instead of on top of more water) risks items getting trapped under the hopper. Identify a button or sign on one wall above the hopper to foreclose water from flowing in. Then, when an item is pushed into the corner by the flowing water, it falls 1 cake downwards into the hopper.
If you don't intendance near collecting ink sacs, you don't need the hopper or flowing water, and the farm becomes trivially quick to build. Just make the room six blocks high and fill it with v layers of water, leaving the height layer as air for you lot to breathe and place temporary torches for lighting during construction.
Water menstruum management and item drove [ ]

Underwater view of hopper and chest with water flowing toward it. The button prevents h2o from flowing in. The hopper is one cake below the topmost water block so that items fall in from higher up.
The menses in the top layer is managed by first placing the row of h2o blocks along the wall, which makes a short waterfall into the next row but does not extend all the way beyond the room, as h2o would usually exercise on a solid surface. You must place a row of easy-to-suspension blocks just underneath the waterfall row to forcefulness the h2o flow to extend ane more row. For this purpose, slime blocks, honey blocks, and TNT tin can be mined instantly without tools, and dirt can be broken quickly with a shovel. Break the temporary underwater blocks and repeat for the side by side waterfall row, working your style all the way to the reverse wall to get the summit layer of h2o flowing from one wall to the other. Finally, identify a water cake opposite the hopper to cause the combined flows to sweep all floating items into the hopper.
An upside-down asphalt stairs block is placed higher up the chest to foreclose axolotls from leaving the room simply still permit the chest to open. A block of sand is placed in front of the chest to provide a last seal to prevent any light from reaching the interior of the room. Yous but need to break this block to open the chest.
Dorsum door access [ ]

Underwater view of back door of spawning room for easy access to the room. The illumination comes from a temporary torch behind the door.
There is ladder in the entrance surface area well-nigh the chest to arrive and out of the subcontract. A path runs from the entrance around the back of the spawning room, leading to a door at the corner opposite the hopper. Due to the complex path and distance from the torch in the archway surface area, no light reaches this door. This door is useful for entering the room to take hold of axolotls that spawn.
The path that runs around the back of the room is night past design. This means that hostile mobs can spawn there. It is a skilful idea to line the path with bottom slabs to forbid any mobs from spawning in that path.
You should be able to encounter the door sufficiently in the dark to open it, or yous can place a temporary torch in the hallway. Merely be sure to remove this torch when you leave.
Performance [ ]
In one case you take removed your temporary torches and blocked all the light from your chest drove room, the farm is agile, merely you need to motion yourself more than than 24 blocks away from the farm for annihilation to get-go spawning in it.
Glow squid spawn more hands than axolotl, but when axolotl spawn, they start killing the glow squid, causing them to driblet their ink sacs, which float upward and are swept into the collection breast, which you access by removing the temporary block of sand that's in front of the chest to prevent calorie-free from entering the room.
To gather axolotls, go through the back door with buckets of water. Even though the hallway is pitch dark, once yous pass through the door into the water, your underwater vision is sufficient to see axolotl in the room and take hold of them in your h2o buckets. An axolotl may wander out the door into the hallway. That's OK, you lot can notwithstanding grab information technology. If you want to continue axolotls around, you need to interact with them (feed them, breed them), otherwise they may despawn over again.
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